Natural avalanche, NE facing, 10,000, Miller Ridge
Photo: B Fredlund
Natural avalanche, NE facing, 10,000, Miller Ridge
Photo: B Fredlund
Photo of a natural on Saddle Peak taken from the highway. Slide occured on 12/18 and was previously reported. Photo: GNFAC
Observed from Flanders this morning. Presumed recent natural slide around ~9950 ft. on a E/NE aspect. Hard to tell from a distance, but cornice interference and/or wind loading are possible culprits. Poor image quality, but there may be more debris piles along the ridgeline to the south.
Observed from Flanders this morning. Presumed recent natural slide around ~9950 ft. on a E/NE aspect. Photo: E Webb
The power of the winds was emphasized by the scoured west side of the East Ridge of the Main Fork. Photo: E Webb
From the top of The Throne, we got eyes on two avalanches that occurred naturally during the major wind event yesterday in the bowl south of Naya Nuki. The largest of which was a R2-D1.5 that broke in the new snow in the main part of the bowl. The second avalanche (R1-D1) broke off the ridge near the summit of Naya Nuki and ran 150'.