Reactive Layer Still Present Higher Up

Reactive Layer Still Present Higher Up


Pit Location: E / ESE Aspect  |  10,000'  |  220 - 230 cm snow depth  |  Near Treeline  |  28 degree slope

Weather at 14:15: OVC  |  S1  |  Winds Strong out of the S / SSW

Test Results:

16cm down from surface; ECTN2 PC and ECTN3 PC at the newer snow interface, still a fairly soft slab without a lot of cohesion in this particular area

71cm down from surface; ECTP21 SP and ECTP23 SP, broke on the same layer of small facets (~0.5-1.0mm) noted in 12/27 forecast below this week's more recent storm snow

Mostly minor cracking observed at the snow surface during today's outing, a couple of shooting cracks were observed in steeper wind drifted snow in more exposed areas

Cooke City
Location (from list)
Woody Ridge
Observer Name
M Bortnowski